Sunday, October 18, 2009

Congrats to Rachelle Sweet

We just received this message from Rachelle Sweet.

I just wanted to let you know that I will not be coming to Miss Heart as a contestant this year as I just won Miss Washtenaw County last night!!
I will try my hardest to attend as a guest!

Congratulations to Rachelle!

If any of our 2008 or 2009 contestants is a local or open winner, or runner up, please let me know and I will share it with the world!

The Miss Heart ladies ROCK!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

paperwork, paperwork, paperwork

If you are thinking of becoming a contestant for Miss Heart, please get your paperwork completed and sent soon! Even though the deadline is in December, we will close the pageant earlier if we make our capacity.

To be considered as an "official" contestant, you need to send all paperwork, talent on cd and professional portrait on cd with your paperwork. You also need to register with CMN. Leaving out any portion of this process will keep you on a wait list until all is completed.

I do not want to sound grouchy about this, but our Miss Heart volunteers do not have time to go over every piece of paperwork, find missing information, wait for the changed or completed information, then go over it all over again...thirty times for thirty contestants.

Please make sure it is all there the first time. We want this pageant to be your best pageant experience ever, but we need your help to make it happen.