Life has been a bit of a whirlwind but all has been going wonderfully. I just wanted to let you know that the first blog has been posted and I will be doing my best to keep up on it. You can read the blog at I have also listed any and all info that you could possibly need below. PLEASE pass along that I am ready and willing to present to groups on the issue of human trafficking and that appearances can be booked through FYI: They ask for a fee BUT if it is a non-profit or school and there are no funds available we should be able to work something out.
That is all for now. For more snazzy details and fun you can check out the blog.
Lots of Love.
Miss Michigan Webpage:
One World One Future Webpage:
Twitter: K_LaRoche
My new address:
3950 Lake Point Drive
Muskegon, MI 49441
Upcoming Dates:
August 8th: I am told that I will be having a homecoming party in Bay City on that date. The location is TBA.
October 17th: I will be running in the Chicago Marathon and invite anyone who is up for a challenge to join on in. Let me know if you are interested ;0)
October 24th: Human Trafficking Awareness Gala in East Lansing – More info will be posted at We are looking to raise many thousands of dollars at this one event in effort to fund several shelters for women who have been victims of trafficking.
January 11-15th: Miss America in Las Vegas– Several people have been asking about ticket information. I will be sending out the info on the hotels that are sponsors as well as information on purchasing tickets as soon as I get the details (This will probably be in August)
Katie Lynn LaRoche
Miss Michigan 2010