Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Rest of the Story from yesterday...

In many villages throughout the world:


There is no hospital near and if one is sick they may have to walk hours to attempt to get treatment at a place that has few, if any, supplies. Many can’t afford 20 cent vaccines, mosquito nets to protect from malaria, or the dollar a day it costs to treat HIV…

If a drought takes place starvation sets in for men, women, and children…


There are no police… abuse of women is often common and accepted… they are viewed as mere possessions… perhaps holding the role as the 4th wife

Girls as young as 6 are sold at the market by their fathers into a life of slavery for as little as $50… (more on this later)


If the village has a school, teachers are often not equipped to teach and supplies like books and pencils are nonexistent. The kids are needed at home to help with daily chores and an education, while highly valued, does not supersede the necessities of survival.

Don’t doubt that my stay in the village was incredible. The people of this place were beautiful and kind, and treated me like family. Still, problems associated with village life are vast and dire. The issues of concern, of course, differ from place to place but what seems to be consistent are those of health, equality, and education… things we still struggle with in the industrialized world.

Well that's all for now... later aligators- Katie

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